To my sister in Heaven...
We never had a chance to meet before your accident, but you touched my heart from your hospital bed, leaving a lasting imprint which will never be forgotten...
Thinking of you on this day and looking forward to seeing your beautiful garden up there when my time comes...
With love always from Sarah, Mike, Louise and all the family xxxxxx
P.S. I am trying to be the best Auntie I can be for your darling daughter who misses you most of all...♥️
22nd April 2023
We hope that you find this tribute to Rochelle a place of comfort, support and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by MuchLoved on 07/06/2022
Everyone grieves in a way that is unique to them. If you need to speak to a bereavement expert please visit the GriefChat section at which is a completely free service where you can remain anonymous if you prefer.
Sent by MuchLoved on 07/06/2022